

Time and place: , Helga Engs hus Auditorium 3

The scientific program will include invited talks, selected oral contributions from submitted abstracts, and poster presentations, covering the following topics:

  • Nuclear level density
  • Gamma-ray strength function
  • Phase transitions in mesoscopic systems
  • Applications in astrophysics and reactor physics
  • Other related topics
Time and place: , Helga Engs hus, Auditorium 3

On June 3 the NNRC Advisory Board will meet for the first time.
The meeting will take place at UiO, and is open to the public. 
During this meeting the NNRC research themes will give a general overview of their themes' focus and present status on activities and future plans.

Time and place: , Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78. Oslo

13.juni kl. 18.00 holder senterleder ved Norsk nukleært forskningssenter, Sunniva Siem, foredraget "Kjernekraft i Norge?" ved Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi. Les mer på Akademiets nettside.


Time and place: , Kristian Birkelands Auditorium

Talk by Tellef Storebakken and Julian Vevik, Advansia

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske Auditorium, Fysikkbygningen, Blindern, UiO

Talk by Thor Audun Saga, Syklotronsenteret

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske Auditorium, Fysikkbygningen, Blindern, UiO

Talk by Ole Reistad, DNV

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske Auditorium

Line Gaard Pedersen will defend her thesis “Nuclear structure along the Z = 28 and Z = 50 shells — Shell evolution and shape coexistence in 74,76,78Cu and 126Sn” for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.

Time and place: , Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjerknes hus

Velkommen til Fysikk på biblioteket. Foredraget er ved Sunniva Rose, kommunikasjonsdirektør i Norsk Kjernekraft AS og førsteamanuensis ved Fysisk institutt på UiO.

Time and place: , Lille Fysiske Auditorium

Talk by Deborah Oughton, NMBU

Time and place: , Store Fysiske Auditorium
Time and place: , Helga Eng aud 1

The Norwegian Nuclear Research Centre's successful kick-off took place at the University of Oslo on December 11-12. The aim of the kick-off was for the different partners and research theme members to get to know each other, and to review the existing milestones and deliverables, discuss strategy, and plan research and education activities within the Centre.

See program here

Time and place: , Lille fys. aud.

Candidate: Vetle Ingeberg

Time and place: , Lille fys, aud, the Physics building

Two trial lectures for a permanent position.

Time and place: , Store fysiske aud

Talk by Nils Morten Huseby, IFE

Time and place: , Store fysiske aud

Talk by Frank Leonel Bello Garrote, Oslo University hospital

Time and place: , Store fysiske aud

Talk by Astrid Liland, Direktoratet for Strålevern og Atomsikkerhet

Time and place: , Store fysiske aud

Talk by Sindre Hassfjell, Thor Medical

Time and place: , Store fysiske aud

Talk by Sunniva Rose, Norsk Kjernekraft AS
